Strategic Planning

What is Strategic Planning and Operative Planning?
Strategic Planning consists of:
- Establishing the vision of the company. How do we see the future?
- Establishing the mission of the company. What is our reason of being, our purpose, our essence?
- Defining our values. What will be our behavior to achieve our mission and vision?
- Defining our context and perspectives. A SWOT analysis is recommended to understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- Defining our strategic objectives. What goals we need to do to accomplish our mission and vision?
Operative Planning consists on defining strategic parameters. These are key indicators such as profitability, greater market share, achieving competitiveness, risk evaluation and risk elimination strategies. From these indicators, tactical plans of action should be defined so goals are achieved.
Finally, once tactical plans of action are elaborated, the company will set clear goals for the different areas. An excellent tool to help the company align all efforts to achieve our strategic objectives is the Balance Score Card.
By Enrique Gonzalez